Can you restore deleted shots?
Unfortunately, once a shot is deleted we are unable to restore the work to your portfolio. We rec...
Creating and Adding Shots to Projects
To add a new project, you'll need to first head to a shot you'd like to add to the Project and fi...
Creating Dribbble Shots (Requirements)
With our new upload tool, we invite all Dribbble users to share a variety of content types in eac...
Deleting a Dribbble Shot
To delete a shot, click on the image you want to delete to open the detailed shot view. The Delet...
Do I have access to Case Studies?
The Dribbble Case Studies beta gave users a whole new way to showcase their work. Case Studies of...
Editing a Dribbble Shot
To make edits to an existing shot, open the shot view and look for the edit icon near the 'Feedba...
Formatting shot descriptions
Shot descriptions are a great way to tell the community what went into the work you’re uploading....
Rebounds offer a way to “link” two shots together. For example, you can Rebound a sketch with a f...
Shot Requirements (Legacy)
Requirements for shots posted before February 2023. Image Shots Maximum 10MB file size Must be ...
Where are the GIF / video / Case Study icons?
Our new shot uploader allows you to include multiple content types in every shot, which makes the...