Unfortunately, we cannot move Pro, Job Listing, or Designer Search subscriptions between accounts.
If you purchased your subscription on the wrong account, please check our Refund Policy to see if you are still eligible for a refund on the incorrect subscription. If so, process your refund, and repurchase the subscription on the correct account.
If you are not eligible for a refund, please cancel your subscription (head to Accounts Settings > Billing) and resubscribe using the correct account. You can do this either immediately or when your current subscription period is over.
Transferring Team Ownership
To transfer a team page to another user, add their account as a Team Owner. Once you've added a new Team Owner, you can remove yourself as a Team Owner/Member, which will remove all connections between your account and the Team account.
Please remember to remove any personal billing information from the account before transferring ownership.
If you have purchased a second Pro subscription, rather than renewing an existing Team account, please see Team Not Active After Subscription Purchase.