Rate limiting prevents abuse and helps us keep the site available and responsive for all our visitors. If your account has been disabled because you've hit your limit, you must wait out the 24 hour hold period. We will not be able to reenable your account before the hold is up.
To prevent this from happening in the future, we suggest you investigate the following potential issues:
- Try disabling any relevant browser extensions and see if you continue to get rate limited. A browser extension can make many more requests than you expect.
- Use the site signed in to prevent other people’s behavior from affecting your ability to use the site. If you’re on a shared network (like an office or school), all of your requests will appear to come from the same IP address.
- Refreshing the same page repeatedly to see if there are new likes or Feedback can cause you to hit your limit. If you want to know when someone comments on your shot or follows you, try updating your Email Preferences instead.